Sunday 30 August 2015

Polish Stamps

Polish Stamps

Poland is a country in Eastern Central Europe that borders Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania. 

Poland has a history of kings, dukes and lords that have made this land what is it today as peaceful, has a good economy and people that dot the great cities of Poland in which these people live today. 

In the 1700's, Polish gave way to Judaism and many Jews came from Russia and many parts of Europe and mass immigration came for many people. 

Present day Poland doesn't have many people of Jewish culture as after the Second World War, many Jews moved to Israel where most of the world's Jewish population is found. 

Military Institute of Aviation Medicine

The Military Institute of Aviation Medicine is a research group located in Warsaw, Poland that helps people with medicine in flying accidents in war. 

In World War II, the MIAM (Military Institute of Aviation Medicine) helped people in France and the UK with medical supplies, healing soldiers and civilians to cure them. 

They are helping many people in other countries that are facing war and faced war, giving supplies for them and bonding with other medical research groups in many countries.  


Tuesday 18 August 2015

French Stamps

French Stamps

French is a Western European country that is one of the most populated country in the continent. French has a bold history of colonization but also many losses and gains. 

In 51 B.C, the Gauls were invaded by the Romans until 459 B.C. The Romans, who were Catholic, brought Catholicism into modern day France. Even today, Catholicism is a major belief in France. 

In the 700's, French was again ruled by another empire. The Frankish, peoples of modern day Germany, ruled French land until the late 800's. 

The 1700's was brought to a revolution to many countries in Europe, Africa and also Oceania and Asia. The French lasted until the 1970's/1980's when many countries went against French rule. 

Modern day France is one of the most populated countries in Europe. With over 60 million people, France is the third most populated country in Europe. 

France is also the most visited country in the world, with 80 million visiting France all from different countries, more people per year than people living in the country!  

Le Seine

Le Seine is a river in French that flows though Paris and Dijon. It has a commercial dock and 32 bridges over the fast flowing Le Seine. 

Le Seine is a subject to many floods in Paris, many people have died since this river moves very fast and rapidly, making many people fall in. 

This is also the reason why many painters, artists and people in the arts have lived in this beautiful place with a nice flowing river. The river has a gleaming mirror that many people adore. 


Stamp Day

Stamp Day is a festival that is celebrated in France. For each year, there is a new stamp that takes part of a year of Stamp day. This stamp is minted until the next Stamp Day. 

It shows how the country achieved many goals and they are sharing it on a stamp that people in France can see for the whole year. 

It is always about things that are important to France, past and present, all that is on a special stamp for one year in France, that is called Stamp Day. 


Green Turtles

Green turtles are a species of turtle that are found in many parts of the world. But most nesting grounds are in South Asia, a part of South Europe, South Africa and the West Coast of Africa. 

Green turtles are one of the few animals that can live for a very long time. They are able to live up to 80 years as turtles. Green turtles are the most common kind of turtle in the world but with a price. 

Green turtles nesting zones are often in large human population islands, such as Indonesia and Malaysia. They are killed for eggs, skin and the shell, which is used for handbags. 

Many turtles are protected around the world for many threats attack them. Pollution, harmful human activity, habitat loss, urban sprawl and poaching. 

Green turtles are being saved by the day by many people who risk their lives to save these beautiful creatures.


Saturday 25 July 2015

Turkish Stamps

Turkish Stamps

Turkey is a country located in Southeastern Europe but large parts of Turkey are in Asia. Turkey's first peoples are from modern day Greece and shaped up the land with cultures of their own. 

After Greeks had left Turkey, Seljuks ruled modern day Turkey but slowly Mongols invaded the Seljuks and their power collided rapidly. 

The Turkish land slowly turned into the Ottoman Empire, a new era of Turkish land. For the next 300 years, the Ottoman Empire would stand. 

Turkish economy is very strong; Germany and Iraq are some of the largest exporting partners of Turkey's economy. Agriculture, mining and industry are some of the main factors in Turkey's economy. 

Turkish Child Protection Agency

Hey guys, sorry I've haven't been writing a lot. I was very, very busy and my mind was on another things. As you see, I've been writing lately and it will continue that way.

I'm sorry about what happened in the late past. I will never happen again. 

Anyway, back to stamps. The Turkish Child Protection Agency is an organization run by the Turkish government to help poor or bad treated children in Turkey. 

Turkish Red Crescent

The Turkish Red Crescent is a humanitarian organization in Turkey and International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement. They donate to save lives in countries in places where children and family need aid. 

It was founded in June 11th, 1868 in the former Ottoman Empire time. It is the largest humanitarian organization in Turkey to date.  


Cumhuriyet is a political party in Turkey that states to make a more liveable Turkey. It was formed in the 1920's after the First World War when the Ottoman Empire fell down (had parts of modern day Turkey). 

They fought for a better country to be stronger and more powerful, but also to be more aware of the country requests in the future. 


Tuesday 9 June 2015

Korean Stamps

Korean Stamps

Korea is a East Asian country that is bordered by Japan, China and Russia. Korea has a big history of kingdoms.

For many years, more and more changes have happened that changes the country so quickly.



Tupolev is a Russian aerospace and defences place company that is has headquarters in Moscow, Russia. 

Tupolev was founded by a Soviet designer named Andrei Nikolalayevich Tupolev, who was a plane designer and founder of Tupolev.   

Tupolev was actually founded due to Hugo Junkers in 1915, a German engineer who made places for them. Andrei later founded together with Hugo Junkers and other workers and founded Tupolev. 

On October 22nd, 2012, Tupolev with other Russian airforce companies Mikoyan, Llyushin, Irkut, Sukhoi, Yakovlev merged into United Aircraft Corporation.    

They make experimental aircraft and airline planes as well.   

First Concord Commercial Flight

Concord is a French/British aircraft company that is located in Paris, France. Their aircraft travel more than 2 times the speed of sound. 

Concord was founded due to the choice of Morien Morgan, a plane engineer, that was asked to make a supersonic airline. It was soon to be created. 

Concord later had many good ideas about how to make the planes go faster not by better fuel, but aerodynamics and effort to build a good company. 

In 2003, Concord was bought off by British Airways and Air France because of Concord's terrible 2000 crash, the 9/11 attacks and a choice made by Airbus, the owner. 

The company is criticized by its environmental problems because Concord aircraft make nitrogen oxide that destroy the ozone layer.   

Concord had its first commercial flight on January 21st, 1976.  

World Cross Day

World Cross Day is an medical day from IRRC, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent department. There are about 96 million volunteers who are with IRRC. 

The IRRC started off as one man, Jean-Henri Dument, a Swiss businessman, traveled to Italy to see Napoleon III. His army needed help, and he also knew medicine. 

When the First World War started and the IRRC was formed, they had a lot of people that needed help and only a handful of money was with them. 

World War II, they helped many saves to safely and safe haven, but the money was running out and business was slow in Algeria, where they had all of the money earned. 

When a Nobel Prize was won by Norway and the IRRC was in bankruptcy, they gave the money to them and the IRRC was up and running. 

World Cross Day is celebrated in almost every country and each country has a different date when they celebrate it.    

Thursday 21 May 2015

Vietnamese Stamps

Vietnamese Stamps

Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia. It is one of the largest countries in Southeast Asia and one of the biggest in Asia.

Vietnam was a part of Imperial China for over a thousand years before freedom came to Vietnam. In the 20th century, Vietnam was again under French rule until 1954. 

After French rule, the North and South parts of Vietnam fought for control in Vietnam as the American government fought in Vietnam. 

After the Vietnam War, the country was in economic ruins as poverty, jobs and money were hard to find in this well-fought country. 

The economy of Vietnam is rice, trade, mining and technology.

Gymnastics and Sports in Vietnam

 In Vietnam, popular sports and gymnastics are Athletics, badminton, fencing, judo, rowing, shooting, swimming, taekwondo, weightlifting and wrestling. 

World Health Day

World Health Day is a United Nation awareness day that is celebrated on April 7th to be reminded of good, healthy life that everyone deserves. 

In 2006, the theme for World Health Day was to stop the shortage of health workers, as there are a shortage of 4.3 million people in the world. 

For 2007, the theme was for a better future for health and knowing that bad health stopped at no borders at all for the people of the world. 

2008, the theme for World was protecting health from climate change as heat, tundra and other climates are dangers to good health. 

In 2009, the World Health Day was making hospitals more safe and easier to use when there are emergencies so that more lives can be saved. 

For 2010, it was urbanization and health for the theme. The goal was for more spaces for good healthcare and more places like parks and forests. 

World Health Day is very important to the world for awareness for better healthcare for more people around the world. 


Vietnamese Beaches

Vietnam's culture and economy is very much on beaches. Since lots of Vietnam is coastline, there is lots of room for beaches in the country. 

Some of Vietnam's famous beaches are Nha Trang, Doc Let and Phu Quoc are some of the many famous beaches that litter Vietnam's waters. 

The beach is for everyone and it all starts somewhere... Vietnam.  


A cashew is a nut that is grown on the cashew tree. There are nuts and apples that grow on this tree. 

In fact, the cashew "nut" is not a nut, in fact a seed. Because the nut is toxic, the nut is taken off before selling to the market. 

The cashew seed is rich in good fats and fibers, which makes the seed used in many foods in many countries around the world. 

The cashew apple, on the other hand, is often tasted bitter and very soft. It is used in alcohol and non alcohol drinks. There is a popular drink in Brazil that uses the cashew apple. 

The cashew is used in more countries because it is easy to handle and very light. Cashew apples are harder to transport because they are so soft. 


Thursday 5 March 2015

Indonesian Stamps

Indonesian Stamps

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia that borders Singapore, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia and Palau. 

The country is a big one and an old one. Srivijaya peoples are common in Indonesia, from long ago when the people came to the islands long ago. 

Austronesian people also came to modern day Indonesia and are also a big part of the Indonesian culture from food to teachings. 

Dutch rule went on for three and a half centuries, after lots of fighting, Indonesia was formed and the Dutch left the land. 

Indonesian economy is agriculture, industry, fishing and commercial businesses. Jakarta is the biggest and the capital city of Indonesia. 



Tobacco is a plant that is part of the genus Nicotiana. There are over 70 species of tobacco around the world, the most common species is N.Tabacum. 

Tobacco was first grown in the Americas, where it was first originated before it was spread worldwide to other countries.  

There is evidence that Native Americans were first growing and harvesting tobacco for prayer, for thanking the Earth, and to cure illnesses. 

When the Europeans came to the Americas, tobacco was a major trading source to both Europeans and the Native people. 

Tobacco was also a sign of status too, as people with very fine sources of tobacco were respected among other people. 

Now, tobacco is a very common thing to find. Every third adult smokes a form of tobacco. Cigarettes, cigars and pipes are forms of tobacco use. Tobacco is grown all around the world. 

But tobacco was and is used for prayer and other cultural uses too. 

Tobacco is very dangerous and not good for the health. Many people die of cancer, heart problems and other reasons. Many people die of tobacco forms from secondhand smoking. 

But tobacco is used for prayer and other cultural reasons. 


Sugarcane is a plant that is part of the genus Sacrarium. It is a tall grass that grows in South Asia, Brazil and many parts of South America. 

Sugarcane was hard work in colonial times. People were working in poor conditions working with the boilers to "make" the sugar that we see today. 

Countries traded lands for islands that can grow sugar, such as RĂ©union or Mauritius. Sugar was a valued idem.  

To refine sugar is even more work. And the health affects are not good. In many of our colas and foods that we drink and eat, there is lots of refined sugar.   

And actually, refined sugar is cheaper to buy than less refined sugar, or called raw sugar or "sugar-in-the-raw". 

Many sugars for people with diabetes that are fine are called Sucralose, an artificial sweetener that is available in packets.   

Sugar is also used in ethanol, a replacement for gasoline that is used in many countries. Sugar may a way to save the use of more oil. 

Sunda Pangolin

Sunda Pangolin is a species of Pangolin that is located in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore. 

Sunda Pangolin eats ants and termites. So most of the time, Sunda Pangolin is found in palm oil trees and rubber trees, both are used by humans. 

Since rubber and palm oil trees are used by humans, the population on Sunda Pangolin is going down rapidly in numbers. 

Sunda Pangolin populations are also going down is because of their meat, skin made is made for medicine are hunted by humans. 

The animal has thick and powerful claws to dig burrows and to find prey. But Sunda Pangolin has bad vision, meaning that the animal has good sense of smell. 

The skin is very hard scales that are its wall of protection against predators. The size of of a full grown Sunda Pangolin is about 65 cm and up to 10 kilos in weight. 

Karel Satsuit Tubun

Karel Satsuit Tubun was an Indonesian military officer that served as an police officer. He graduated from an academy in Indonesia. 

In Jakarta, he fought in battle in the Indonesia army for freedom of the West Guinea region from Dutch hands. 

It was a long time of fighting and in the end, Indonesia freed West Guinea, which is now part of Papua New Guinea.

He was demoted to guarding the home of the Deputy Prime Minister, J. Leimena. He also was awarded as an Indonesian national hero. 

Karel Satsuit Tubun was killed on September 30th, 1965, when he was killed guarding J. Leimena's house when kidnappers wanted to use him for the Sept.30th experiments on officers. 

 After his death, he was also named Hero of the Revolution for trying to protect the home of J. Leimena while the kidnappers killed him. 


Indonesian Airmail 

The Indonesian Airmail postal service sends mail to over 17,000 of Indonesia's islands. The Indonesian Airmail postal service has its number one priority; for Indonesians to receive their mail. 

Over the years of the Indonesian Airmail postal service, there have been many lost or stolen letters and packages that is a disappointment to many. 

The Indonesian Airmail postal service teams up with government and private company train, bus, airplane and ships to deliver letters and packages. 

And most of Indonesia's letters and packages are never lost or forgotten or stolen. They are handed to all of Indonesia's citizens with care.   

Kedaulatan Rakyat

Kedaulatan Rakyat is an Indonesian newspaper located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It was formed in September 27th, 1945 by H. Soemadi and M. Wonohito. 

The first edition was printed on the same day as the founding of the new-born Indonesian newspaper, Kedaulatan Rakyat. 

It is considered to be the oldest newspaper in Indonesia and the oldest newspaper still printing today. Kedaulatan Rakyat is a mark of the Indonesian Independence. 


Pancasila is the official philosophy foundation of Indonesia. Panca means five in Indonesian and sila is principles in the Old Javanese language. There are five laws in Pancasila. There are:

1. belief in one and only God.
2. Just and civilized humanity.
3. Unity of Indonesia.
4. Democracy from the representatives.
5. Social justice for all of the people in Indonesia. 

Pancasila was created for pushing together all of the Indonesian State when Indonesia was ruled by the Dutch people. For independence, there was Pancasila, five laws for the peace of Indonesia. 

Without the laws, Indonesia may never be what it is today: a great, rich cultured, fine mannered country with all of the needs of the citizens and the country to grow.  

Dendrobium Phalaenopdis 

Dendrobium is a species of orchids that are found in most of the world. Also called "den-phals as well, these flowers are arched inflorescences that have cylinder bulbs with canes that grow to 2 to 4 feet tall. 

The leaves are 3 to 6 inches tall and stay a few years. These orchids multiply each years, about 20 new flowers are born each flowering season. 


Ambarruko Palace Hotel 

Ambarruko Palace Hotel is a luxury hotel located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It has lots of technology for the guests that stay at this fine hotel. 

This hotel was once the largest hotel in Yogyakarta. Ambarruko Palace Hotel is right next to the largest shopping centre in the city. 


H.O.S Tjokrominoto

H.O.S Tjokrominoto was an Indonesian national hero who was born in Ponorogo, Indonesia. The Dutch Company called him "the king without a crown". 

Rising to make Indonesia anti-colonist, he founded many organizations in Indonesia such as Sarekat Islamic Trade, a trading centre, Sarekat Islam, a religious group. H.O.S Tjokrominoto was Islamic. 

There was also CSI, the Central Sarekat Islam as well. He died in 1934, at an age of 52 years ago, in Yogyakarta.