Thursday, 21 May 2015

Vietnamese Stamps

Vietnamese Stamps

Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia. It is one of the largest countries in Southeast Asia and one of the biggest in Asia.

Vietnam was a part of Imperial China for over a thousand years before freedom came to Vietnam. In the 20th century, Vietnam was again under French rule until 1954. 

After French rule, the North and South parts of Vietnam fought for control in Vietnam as the American government fought in Vietnam. 

After the Vietnam War, the country was in economic ruins as poverty, jobs and money were hard to find in this well-fought country. 

The economy of Vietnam is rice, trade, mining and technology.

Gymnastics and Sports in Vietnam

 In Vietnam, popular sports and gymnastics are Athletics, badminton, fencing, judo, rowing, shooting, swimming, taekwondo, weightlifting and wrestling. 

World Health Day

World Health Day is a United Nation awareness day that is celebrated on April 7th to be reminded of good, healthy life that everyone deserves. 

In 2006, the theme for World Health Day was to stop the shortage of health workers, as there are a shortage of 4.3 million people in the world. 

For 2007, the theme was for a better future for health and knowing that bad health stopped at no borders at all for the people of the world. 

2008, the theme for World was protecting health from climate change as heat, tundra and other climates are dangers to good health. 

In 2009, the World Health Day was making hospitals more safe and easier to use when there are emergencies so that more lives can be saved. 

For 2010, it was urbanization and health for the theme. The goal was for more spaces for good healthcare and more places like parks and forests. 

World Health Day is very important to the world for awareness for better healthcare for more people around the world. 


Vietnamese Beaches

Vietnam's culture and economy is very much on beaches. Since lots of Vietnam is coastline, there is lots of room for beaches in the country. 

Some of Vietnam's famous beaches are Nha Trang, Doc Let and Phu Quoc are some of the many famous beaches that litter Vietnam's waters. 

The beach is for everyone and it all starts somewhere... Vietnam.  


A cashew is a nut that is grown on the cashew tree. There are nuts and apples that grow on this tree. 

In fact, the cashew "nut" is not a nut, in fact a seed. Because the nut is toxic, the nut is taken off before selling to the market. 

The cashew seed is rich in good fats and fibers, which makes the seed used in many foods in many countries around the world. 

The cashew apple, on the other hand, is often tasted bitter and very soft. It is used in alcohol and non alcohol drinks. There is a popular drink in Brazil that uses the cashew apple. 

The cashew is used in more countries because it is easy to handle and very light. Cashew apples are harder to transport because they are so soft. 


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