Tuesday 13 January 2015

Gabonese Stamps

Gabonese Stamps

Gabon is an African country on the west coast of Central Africa. 

It is located on the equator and is bordered by Equatorial Guinea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Guinea and the Gulf of Guinea. 

Gabon is first inhabitants were the Pygmy people but soon most of the population of Gabon were
Bantu tribes living there. 

In the 15th century, the Europeans arrived in Gabon. But soon the land of Gabon was part of France in the year 1885. 

In the 20th century, Gabon was faced with rough times as the French ruled the lands and the fight for the land was long. In the end, the French left and a new country was born. 

Gabon's economy is mostly oil, but lots of the economy is also wood and rubber. Mining is another job for Gabon too. 

Bush Willows

Bush willows are trees that are made of many types of plant in the family Combretaceae. They are grown in savannahs with granite soil. 

They are used in East Indian medicine and in African medicines too. Bush willows are grown in African, but also Latin America, Asia and Australia. 

Pic of flag from mapsofworld.com


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